Monday, 3 January 2011

New Year's Non-Resolutions

My first blog post of 2011 has come after a slight gap, as I've had a rather rough and tiring week of working full-time whilst battling a persistent cold. I am however looking forward to seeing the result of last week on pay day in a few weeks' time, and am dedicating this week to: 1) getting better, 2) catching up on my university assignments before going back next Monday, and 3) making lists of what I'd like to do this year.

I try not to call them New Year's resolutions, because that term alone has become a running joke for promises that are made but never fulfilled. How many times do we hear "oh I never stick to my New Year's resolutions" from our peers, and from our own mouths? I know that if I make a resolution, I will have forgotten about it by next week. But what I am very good at doing is making lists: to-do lists, shopping lists, assignment lists, lists of what I need to stop spending money on. I tend to find that the only time I listen to myself is when I make a list, as it really is a method of not being able to escape from your own thoughts.

So I present to you my grand to-do list of 2011. These aren't things that I'd like to do, they are things I have to do.

♥ Learn how to wear make up
Despite claiming to be a lover of makeup, my technique only goes as far as the base, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I have always been a very decorative person and would love to be more extravagant and glamorous with my face, but am just a little scared to experiment. I have enormous eyelids, which may be a make up artist's dream, but unfortunately I am not a make up artist. Every little mistake I make is fully visible even when my eyes are open, hence why I'm eyeshadow-less most of the time. However, this is something that has to change, and can be easily remedied. I'm planning on attending Bobbi Brown workshops, dragging my good friend and talented make up artist Gulnit around MAC counters with me, and purchasing some damn good make up brushes. I don't ever see myself becoming a beauty blogger, but I'd like everyone to think I look super glamorous whilst typing up my posts.

♥ Expand into the industry as a stylist
Since starting out as a stylist in September, I've collaborated with some pretty amazing people, had my name published in CRACK Magazine as assistant stylist, and learnt a lot. I want to do even more this year, and really break into the industry. It's a tough place to be, and I have a lot of competition, but I've learnt to ignore the negative side this, as I have as much of a chance as others to become successful. So far I have done a minimum of one shoot per month, and whilst this seems like a standard amount considering that I'm a student, I'd really love to push myself into doing more. My aim is to become published again at least once by the end of the year...let's see if I can do this

♥ Get a placement at a magazine for summer
This may be the toughest out of all of them, but I am absolutely determined to do this. My dream placement would be at Stylist Magazine, as it is my favourite magazine to read and I even fantasize about working there someday but back to reality, I know a million other people want to work there as much as me. As I mentioned above, I'm learning to ignore the negativity of competition, and trying to showcase myself instead, which will hopefully bring me good luck this year.

♥ Control my finances
This is a tough one. As a self confessed shopaholic, whose taste is become more expensive each year, I will not stop spending money on clothes or make up. As somebody enjoys her lifestyle, I will not stop spending money in restaurants, cinemas or entertainment. So what conclusion does that draw me to? Tesco £2 meal deals on the days I have uni and work all day.

♥ Look after my body
♥ Get good grades at university
♥ Grow my hair long
♥ Grow out my eyebrows
♥ Do some exercise and stop panting when running up stairs
Get rid of my eyebags  Never going to happen.

My next few posts will be dedicated to the shoots I've done, which will hopefully be joined by more this year.

Enjoy your year everybody!


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