Saturday 29 January 2011

Shoots & reflections

I haven't updated in what feels like weeks! I've been extremely busy with going back to university and planning photo shoots, and feel like I have absolutely no time to look after myself. However, Monday is pay day, and after suffering from January blues and unsuccessfully attempting to crawl out of my overdraft, I plan to treat myself to some goodies this month, including new clothes and make-up (expect a picture post of my indulgence).

Last week I had a beauty shoot with the lovely ladies from We Love, a shoot we had been planning and postponing since the end of 2009. The wardrobe was kept very simple, which made my job easy, and watching the experts at work on three gorgeous models was a great experience. The photographer was David Shih, a photographer I've collaborated with before and thoroughly enjoy working with. It's a very valuable experience to work with people who are down to Earth, despite having buckets of talent. This industry is saturated with "professionals" who alter their attitude based on who they've worked with and how that measures that against your record. The fashion industry is a cruel world, but I'm treasuring the opportunities I get with the people who's heads aren't in the clouds, and constantly pray that I don't turn out to be somebody I hate if I ever do succeed in the industry (which I will...determination is my new thing).

On another note, I had an amazing shoot with Faye Sampson today, my favourite photographer and such an enjoyable person to work with. We had an amazing team and shot through the cold weather in Holland Park, and I consider it to be my most important shoot to date; the planning and hard work that went into this shoot really did pay off, and again, I consider myself very lucky to be able to work with such humble yet immensely talented people. I'm definitely looking forward to doing more shoots with Faye in the near future, even if my bank account does dissolve temporarily every time we have a shoot planned. I just spent the evening packing up roughly £850 worth of things to return, but it's all worth it to get that ecstatic feeling when a shoot has gone pretty damn well.

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